Customer & Employee Injuries
Customer and employee injuries in restaurants and bars – for both plaintiffs and defendants – in markets across the country and around the world.
The restaurant industry has more customer and employee injuries than any other industry on the planet! Yes – you heard that right. The question must be – why? Well, there are many reasons but one of those reasons is employee turnover. The restaurant industry is constantly growing so it is no surprise that the turnover rate for employees can be astronomical. And high employee turnover oftentimes leads to unsafe premises that lead to incidents where both customers and employees get injured, harmed, maimed, and even killed. This can cause the restaurant owners and managers to find themselves in constant training mode – or just trying to keep up with the training of the staff.
Fast food can lead to fast injuries and negligence when proper procedures and training are not established effectively. The same can be said for casual dining and fine dining – where restaurant risks are not so casual and certainly not all that… fine. Do things fall through the cracks and do corners get cut when it comes to safety? Absolutely… it can and sometimes does!
Sadly, every year thousands of customers and employees experience injuries either while working or just trying to meet the needs of their very busy families and lifestyle. No one plans to go out to enjoy a meal to only suffer from someone’s lack of care or training. Even the slightest mistake can have a debilitating consequence. More people than ever before will be injured, harmed, sickened, maimed, or killed on the premises of America’s restaurants this year and those numbers are predicted to only climb in the years to come.
Providing restaurant staff with information and training is an essential and critical part of giving them the tools they need to take control of safety, health and security in their restaurant and bar environment. No safety and health program will work without commitment and involvement from both sides. It helps them to perform their duties without endangering themselves or the lives of others. Countless horrific events happen to employees and customers from every walk of life and most of these incidents are preventable. These incidents impact the lives of everyone who witness them – in some instances, damaging them physically, mentally, and emotionally for years to come and, in many cases, leaving them scarred for the remainder of their lives.
The restaurant industry has the highest incident rate (for both customers and employees) of any industry when it comes to accidents. Industry experts are aware of the statistics associated with the kinds of incidents that take place every day even though much of the public are not aware of things that go on behind the scenes. Why don’t you hear more about these types of matters? Why don’t they appear on the headline news? The answer is simple- big companies pay big money to keep things quiet.
When you have a case where a customer or employee has been harmed you would be best off considering hiring America’s most experienced forensic expert witness firm that deals with only restaurant and bar industry lawsuits, insurance claims, litigation, and pre-litigation matters. Why waste your time and money hiring someone that is ill-equipped while trying to help your client get what they deserve? Need an expert that can help you defend a claim? We do that too.
When looking for someone that can help with your case you deserve to hire someone with over 35 years of experience and hands-on knowledge of the industry. Wouldn’t you rather have one of the most successful restaurant consulting firms in the country, Restaurant Expert Witness – Howard Cannon? He knows from experience that just one little “mistake” can end up costing restaurant owners and operators tons of money. He also knows that most restaurant accidents and injuries are preventable. Howard is experienced with restaurant litigation matters in both State and Federal cases with Plaintiffs and Defendants; and Judges and Juries respect his expert opinions and recognize his expertise when it comes to restaurant, food service, and hospitality industry-related matters.
Give us a call to discuss any case where a customer or employee gets injured, harmed, maimed, or killed in any restaurant or bar.