Restaurant Turnaround Consulting Services
We offer our one-of-a-kind turnaround and profit-improvement services for high-net worth individuals and for establishments that have the necessary working capital for restaurants of any type, style, or size in need of improving operations and profitability.
Our approach is highly-intense and highly-results oriented. We have been offering these services since our inception – long before restaurant turnarounds became entertainment television.
We offer . . .
Turnarounds for Independent Restaurants:
Consulting services for those who want us to be hands-on while assisting them in fixing their issues.
- Onsite – [1 or 2 days] – we can fix most situations in either one or two-days. On certain occasions, the client requests us to be involved on an ongoing basis. In such instances, we charge an hourly fee, and we can assist them with onsite and/or telephone services.
Mentorship/Advisory Services:
Consulting for those who can fix the issues themselves but simply need us to talk them through what needs to be done and when.
- Telephone/Internet Coaching – we offer these services by the hour or via a flat monthly rate with unlimited use.
Chain Restaurant Turnaround Consulting Services:
This is a restaurant consulting service that we have offered for many years.
- Market Turnarounds
- Region Turnarounds
- Single and Multi-Unit Turnarounds
- Extreme Marketing & Sales Building Strategy Services
- Extreme Operations Strategy Services
- Company Culture Development Services
- Executive Termination Services
No More Excuses!
You can keep creating excuses for why you aren’t making any money. You can continue to bury your heard in the sand and act like this isn’t happening to you. You can continue to tell yourself and the world that you are trying everything you can and are doing everything possible to make a profit. Or, you can do something about it by calling Restaurant Consultant, Restaurant Expert Witness – Howard Cannon today.
Restaurants are meant to be for-profit ventures.
Howard Cannon’s approach will help you wrap your head around what is happening to cause your sales to decline, your employees to quit, your costs to skyrocket, your customers to go elsewhere, and your profits to be virtually nonexistent or, worse yet, bleeding buckets of red ink.
Restaurants are still one of America’s greatest entrepreneurial opportunities, and many successful restaurants are printing cash and making money hand over fist; but just sitting back and hoping you will find some silver bullet that will solve all of your restaurant ills (without getting off your butt and taking real action) simply won’t cut it . . . and procrastinating about it won’t help either.
Today is the day to take action.
More often than not, fixing a restaurant takes intense focus, hard work, and a well-thought out strategy. Since 1987, restaurant expert, Howard Cannon has helped fix restaurants of all types and sizes, in markets across the country and around the world – for many of America’s largest restaurant brands, as well as hundreds of independents; and, his books on restaurants can be found in bookstores in 76 countries around the globe.
Make no mistake about it, the difference between a restaurant dream and a restaurant nightmare is being able to profit and make a living from your hard work. You can keep blaming the economy, or you can keep pointing your finger at your employees and the industry while hoping and praying that you win the lottery; OR, you can call Howard Cannon and learn from America’s most visible restaurant turnaround and profit improvement expert.
Howard Cannon will help you get the results you want and need in a fraction of the time of other consultants.
Amongst some of the things that Howard can show you are the following:
• How to Assess Your Restaurant, Your Business, Your Situation
• How to Determine Your Restaurant’s Strengths and Weaknesses
• How to Create a Turnaround and Profit Improvement Strategy and Plan
• How to Increase Sales and Profits Quickly and for the Long-Haul
• How and Where to Get Funding If You Need It
• How to Use Vendors, Products, and Services to Help You Succeed
• How to Create A Better Menu and Determine the Right Pricing So You Can Profit
• How to Determine Labor and Food Cost Targets and Goals
• How to Create Better Operational Systems to Improve Sales & Profits
• How to Fix Major Cash Flow Issues Quickly
• How to Hire, Train, and Retain Better Employees
• How to Create and Implement Profitable Marketing Campaigns
• How to Create a Culture Built Around Performance and Profits
• How to Understand and Profit from the State of the Industry
• How to Cut Costs and Get Rid of Dead Weight Quickly
• And, much more . . .
For a FREE Initial, No-Obligation Consultation & Quote; Call Now: 800.300.5764