You need to protect yourself, but you don’t need to spend all of your income or anything like 20 percent on insurance. Even though there are insurance policies to cover just about any imaginable disaster, there is a limit to what you need. Basic insurance coverage packages are critical to protecting your assets.
Certain types of insurance coverage are federally mandated, which means you are legally required to obtain them. Some examples of this kind of insurance are workers’ compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, and Social Security (FICA). Other kinds of insurance coverage are simply smart business, but not mandated in every state. An example of this type of insurance is general liability insurance, which should include theft, fire, accident, and so on.
Also, if you are going to serve alcohol, some states require liquor liability insurance. Other states leave that decision up to you, and others make the insurance a chore to get. The harder it is to get, the more outrageously expensive it is.
Your insurance needs depend on your individual business and locale, so select your business insurance agent carefully. Just like the relationships you have with your lawyer and accountant, you are counting on the agent’s expertise with the restaurant business. Your neighborhood life insurance salesman may not be qualified. As in everything, ask a lot of questions.
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