Flashback to an article published on http://openpr.com in December 2011.
So you’ve got a great new restaurant concept. Congratulations. Just in case you don’t know, the restaurant business is about more than food and service. It’s about being an amateur lawyer and private investigator, knowing where to go for help, and playing by the rules. If you don’t play by the rules, you can be sure the rules will come back to bite you when you least expect it. Finding and hiring an attorney who understands the inner workings of the restaurant industry and your business plan can save you a fortune in time, money, and hassle down the road…
To read the full article visit: https://www.openpr.com/news/203447/Start-Your-Restaurant-with-an-Experienced-Restaurant-Industry-Lawyer-Says-Restaurant-Expert-Witness.html
To learn more about Restaurant Expert Witness, Howard Cannon, and the services he provides, go to http://restaurantexpertwitness.com/about/#.W79DbmhKiUk
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