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Restaurant Expert Witness - Qualifications

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Restaurant Expert Witness – Howard Cannon, \ MBA, CFE, OSHA
Howard Cannon started his restaurant industry career washing dishes in a local restaurant in Boaz, Wisconsin in 1978.  Since that first Friday night dinner rush, he has held nearly every conceivable restaurant industry position from dishwasher to CEO.  Howard is the CEO of Restaurant Operations Institute, Inc., as well as several other highly-prominent restaurant brands, including Restaurant Expert Witness.


Restaurant Consultant & Expert Witness Specialties & Experience:

General Specialties:  Restaurant, Bar, and Food Service Industry

Specialty Focus: Restaurant Safety Expert; Food Safety Expert; Hospitality Expert Witness; Restaurant Litigation Support; OSHA; Dram Shop & Alcohol Services; Food Contamination; Slip, Trip & Fall; Premises Liability; Restaurant Business Damages Expert; Employment; Gaming; Security; Valuation; Failure Analysis, and more.

Business Damages Expert; Employment; Gaming; Security; Valuation; Failure Analysis, and more.

Education: Masters in Business Administration, University of Wisconsin/Hamilton; B.S., Business Administration, University of Wisconsin/Hamilton

Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs: 20+

Expert Witness Services – Additional Information:

  • Nationwide Services –  NO CHARGE for Domestic Travel
  • State and Federal Cases
  • Plaintiffs and Defendants
  • Restaurant, Bar, and Hospitality Industry Matters Since 1987
  • Highly-recognizable books found in bookstores in 76 countries around the globe
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration Act – Federal Certification # 2301944
  • American College of Forensic Examiners International – member
  • Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points Manager Certification (HACCP)
  • The National Environmental Health Association CertificationOccupational Safety and Health Administration Act – Federal Certification with 29 CFR 1910 OSHA – Inspections, Citations, and Penalties OSHA – Walking and Working Surfaces OSHA – Means of Egress and Fire Protection OSHA – Flammable and Combustible Liquids OSHA – Fire Prevention and Protection OSHA – Machine Guarding and Material Handling OSHA – Hazard Communication OSHA – Industrial Hygiene and Blood-borne Pathogens OSHA –Health and Safety Programs
  • Professional Commercial Mediation and Conflict Resolution Certification
  • Washington State University Hotel Restaurant Division seminars University of Nevada Las Vegas Hotel Restaurant Division seminars University of Kentucky; industry surveys Anthony Robbins – Awaken the Giant from Within; seminars Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends and Influence People; seminars Dale Carnegie – Leadership and Communication; seminars ServSafe and Food Safety Training TIPS On-premise Alcohol Training 2.0 National Restaurant Association Member
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