by Howard Cannon | Jan 3, 2020 | Factoids
Factoid of the Day Restaurant Factoid provided by Restaurant Expert Witness – Howard Cannon — Tipping is rarely seen in Japan; however, in Japanese-style inns, you can put money in a small envelope and hand it to the person who you think...
by Howard Cannon | Nov 22, 2019 | Food Safety
Identifying hazards in your restaurant and eliminating or controlling them as early as possible will most likely and most reasonably help in preventing injuries and illnesses. There are various hazard analysis methodologies for doing so. A hazard is a...
by Howard Cannon | Nov 15, 2019 | Consulting & Coaching
You can beg and grovel for money, or you can skip the begging and play hard to get. It depends on your situation. But strategy and logic always help when you ask for money. Lenders and investors need you just as badly as you need them. Without people to lend...
by Howard Cannon | Aug 17, 2019 | Anecdotes
“What could be more important than a little something to eat.” – Winni the Pooh — To learn more about Restaurant Expert Witness, Howard Cannon, and the expert services he provides, please click here: Howard Cannon,...
by Howard Cannon | Jun 4, 2019 | Anecdotes
It’s all about moving ahead! … provided by Restaurant Expert Witness. Every year, thousands of restaurant lawsuits, insurance claims and disputes happen in restaurants. Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Judges, and Juries respect and rely on Howard Cannon’s...