Do you have the right team?…Restaurant Expert Witness
Can your team get the job done? Often, a loan is decided based on the level of experience, professional appearance and attitude. Also,on the personal track record of the members of your team, as well as your ability to engender confidence.
If you want money for your restaurant, you need to be able to prove your team’s capability to an investor. Surround yourself with people who cover any deficiencies you may have. Whether it be leadership, accounting, or marketing.
Once you have assembled your team, ask yourself, “Would I loan money to these guys?” If you don’t believe in your own team, it will show. On the other hand, if you have a team you believe in, that confidence will shine through to a smart investor.
To learn more about Restaurant Expert Witness, Howard Cannon, and the expert services he provides, please click here: Howard Cannon, Restaurant Expert Witness – Bio; Visit:; call: 800.300.5764 or Email
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