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You Gotta Dine Well…Restaurant Expert Witness

Howard provides unbiased opinions, reports, and testimony regarding the Standards of Care and the foresee-ability of events. Based upon the alcohol awareness training, policies, and procedures (or lack thereof) of each establishment and its management and employees...

The Right Location…Restaurant Expert Witness

Visibility is more than simply being seen. It is being seen by the right people at the right time. Visibility is therefore connected to traffic. Furthermore, you want your target market to see your establishment when you are most likely to be serving them. Owning an...

Prove Them Wrong … With Howard Cannon

Prove Them Wrong … With Howard Cannon Above all, Restaurant Expert Witness – Howard Cannon only provides expert witness services in restaurant, bar and food service. In addition, to hospitality industry, food and beverage industry matters. Click here for a list...

We are all bonkers for food! …with Howard Cannon

Howard Cannon, with over 30 years of experience, makes him one of the most sought-after Restaurant Expert Witnesses in the country.  He has provided expert opinions, reports, and testimony in cases involving wrongful deaths, slips and falls, FACTA, and franchise...
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