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Things you should Know!

Things you should Know!

Things you should Know!   Restaurant Expert Witness – Howard Cannon “Please do not bring food into the restroom.” That is something that we should not have to tell people! It is something you should know! Recently, a person was injured after...

The Importance of Fire Extinguishers

The restaurant industry standard is to provide your crew portable fire extinguishers in well-marked, easily accessible areas, because using portable extinguishers is the quickest way to put out small kitchen and dining fires! Some establishments have complete fire...

Danger in the Drive-Thru

While there are some hot coffee and/or hot tea spills that happen in the dining area of restaurants, they most commonly occur in fast-food and in various kinds of drive-thru lanes. Many of these injuries are devastating and life-altering. Here are but a handful of...

Losing Focus

It is easy to lose focus on your case when you don’t understand the Industry Standards.  Let us help you put things in perspective. To learn more about Restaurant Expert Witness, Howard Cannon, and the expert services he provides, please click here:  Howard...
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